The theory began in 1948 with the Framingham Study, a study that was responsible for good information until 1961 when those early researchers focused on cholesterol and tunnel vision set in. From then on, cholesterol was deemed evil rather than the vital substance it is to life.
Over the course of 25 years and 5,000 heart surgeries, I’d often look at a patient on my table and wonder why he (or she) was there. His cholesterol was in check, he was not obese, did not smoke and in fact, had none of the typical risk factors associated with heart disease.
I repaired his heart knowing well statistics were high he would be back for surgery again within 10 years with his cholesterol still in check.
Over 25% of the population takes statin medications. Now there’s a feverish rush to prescribe statin medication preventatively to otherwise healthy people. If statins prevented heart disease, why has heart disease soared year after year and is the number one taker of human life?
Just that fact alone should have everyone questioning the validity of the cholesterol theory and taking statin medications. Cholesterol doe not cause heart disease–inflammation in the arteries does. What is inflammation and where is it coming from?
The answer to that question is both tragic and sad. The very dietary recommendations born of the cholesterol theory of no-fat and low fat foods cause inflammation. Polyunsaturated Omega-6 oils; packaged and processed foods created for shelf life and not long life; sugars and simple carbohydrates create inflammation. This is the cause of an epidemic of heart disease, obesity and other chronic illnesses.
Do you have unhealthy levels of inflammation? If you have been eating the typical American diet with the typical American lifestyle, more than likely yes. A simple C - reactive protein test will determine the level of inflammation in your body.
Dr. Dwight Lundell
Lois Smithers
Click here to learn more about cholesterol.